Welcome to my photography portfolio!
I’m a French self-taught amateur photographer. I love to travel to discover new horizons and people, shooting both nature and urban landscapes, and many other topics.
Here are the photos I shared recently
Graphite in Batignolles Unic in Batignolles Eccentric concentric circles in Carcassonne citadel Far West cowboys from the movies The arch from "Once Upon A Time In The West" in Texas Hollywood The Plaza de Toros de Ronda
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Here are the latest posts from the blog
Cutting back on Instacrap
I've been disliking for a long time that Instagram is a closed platform, more so in the hands of Facebook.
Exhibition in Draveil: Regards multiples
From February 5th to 13th, a dozen fellow photographers from the Photo Club of Draveil and myself had the opportunity to participate in an exhibition. The title was "Regards multiples" ("Multiple perspectives" in English), as each photographer could chose its own preferred theme. The only requirement was that each of us had to exhibit a coherent photographic series, rather than a batch of independent images.
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Starting today, the list of photos in the second part of the homepage are the ones I shared the most recently, instead of the ones I took the most recently.
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